Many students hate homework so much that they try to avoid it at all cost. These students use different ways which can make them successfully avoid homework and their class performance is affected badly. They continue with deteriorating performance and eventually become careless about their studies and the future. Te challenge is identifying and dealing with the reasons why some students hate homework in that they are not able to realize the implications of the attitude to their future lives. The following are the factors that trigger hatred towards homework among some students.

Unnecessary Pressure on Children Study by Parents

Homework Pressure

According to Vatterott and the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, some parents are very conscious about the grades of their children and their general academic performance. They keep worrying about their children’s careers hence creating unnecessary pressure on their children regarding their performance in class. For instance when a child arrives home from school, the thing he hears from his parents are the echoed sentiments of study. The repetition of words like “homework” and “study” makes the child annoyed. Without behavioural and emotional support, the child ends up thinking that homework is everything in life hence hating it. Children develop hatred towards homework as a way of reacting to the pressure subjected to them by their parents.

Students’ Areas of Interests Being Affected

Due to the increasing burden of homework in schools nowadays, students’ areas of fun and interest are affected. Normally, students expect to have a free time to play and do what pleases them after school hours. However, they don’t find sufficient time to do so as they do homework instead only for them to end up hating homework.

Lack of Motivation

For students to succeed in studies, true motivation is necessary. Many parents and teachers do not give inspiration to their children and students. Therefore, students on the other side find no reason and interest to study as homework becomes an extra work. Students feel disturbed ding something that seem to be of less interest and importance to them. It is important for parents and teachers to instil motivation in students so that they do not develop hatred towards homework.

Lack of Reinforcement

If a student hates doing homework, it is mainly because he does not derive good results from it. For the students, homework is an assignment that must be done by all means. Therefore, the only option for them to react against homework is by hating it.

Home Work Cause High Stress Levels

Most parents believe that homework causes dangerous stress levels in their children. The stress also extends to the parents as they have to handle their stressed children. The stress can also damage the amount of sleep students get. In some cases, such stress may drive a student to commit suicide. Depending on the nature of homework, the stress level varies from one student to another. Klein and McKinley assert that college math, lengthy comprehension essays and huge amount of homework causes some students to experience dementia, a condition caused by stress.

Homework Causes Arguments

Students get grouchy due to lack of sufficient sleep and inability to eat enough food. When a parent, for example, comes along to find out how their children do their assignments, fiery arguments may arise given the fact that some parents may not understand how homework systems work. Such furious arguments lead to frustrations among children and almost every night is characterized by tears among children. This is definitely not a good thing especially for mental health of the children.

Homework is stressful to students. It is awful and resembles slavery. Students hate it because they always find themselves with negative effects. Furthermore, schools don’t seem to understand and care about them. No one seems to accept the fact that homework damages physical and mental health of the students, hence students will continue hating it.